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NPFL Receives Praise from Club Owners for Impartial Officiating in Matches

Nigeria Football Club Owners Association Applauds NPFL for Vigilance Against Officiating Issues and Broadcasting; Encourages Sustained Efforts in Providing a Proudly Remarkable League

The Nigeria Football Club Owners Association has expressed commendation for the Nigeria Premier Football League body (NPFL) for its robust stance against officiating errors and its commitment to broadcasting league matches. This endorsement was conveyed during a meeting held in Abuja between the association and NPFL.

Okey Kpalukwu, the chairman of the association, offered words of encouragement to the NPFL, urging them not to waver in their dedication to providing the public with a league they can take pride in.

“We want to commend the NPFL board for the way it has dealt with the issue of poor officiating by match officials and the promptness applied in doing so,” he stated.

“This is highly commendable, and on behalf of the Club Owners, I’ll want to urge you not to rest on your oars because we can’t afford to go back to the ugly past where match officials do whatever they like with impunity and nothing is done to checkmate them.

“We’re not there yet, but we’ve made progress. We are also happy that our games are now on television; this is very important for any league that wants to develop and be attractive to sponsors.

“What is certain is that the club owners as a body are solidly behind the NPFL, and we condemn in its entirety anything that will set the league backward. Enough is enough.”

The 2023-24 NPFL season continues this weekend with matchday 11 fixtures.



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